ISOLDE and RISC-V Summit Europe

One of the goals of ISOLDE is to strengthen the dissemination of RISC-V projects in Europe, and ISOLDE partner HM has taken a lead role here with the local organization of RISC-V Summit Europe 2024. It will be held in Munich from June 24 to June 28. As a literal “summit” it will bring together the entire community in Europe, including industry, academia and individual developers.

After the pandemic, there are now three RISC-V Summits around the globe, focusing on the key markets of RISC-V: RISC-V Summit North America, RISC-V Summit Europe and RISC-V Summit China. RISC-V Summit Europe is the joint effort of three key communities from France, Germany and Spain, together with RISC-V International. The steering and program committees include the variety of the European community. Compared to the other summits, Europe traditionally had a more research centric approach, which still reflects on the strong academic impact of the European ecosystem in this community. With over 180 submissions, the RISC-V Summit Europe is the place to present.

But with the rapid adoption of RISC-V in Europe, driven by that strong research ecosystem, we can see an increasing interest and participation from industry. At this year's RISC-V Summit Europe, for example, the CTO of Thales, Bernhard Quendt, will hold a keynote, accompanied by the SVP of Automotive Microcontrollers at Infineon, Thomas Böhm. The key person behind RISC-V, Krste Asanović, will present the State-of-the-Union of RISC-V. Other invited presenters include Alex Kocher, CEO of the Joint Venture Quintauris, and Johanna Bähr, Research Associate at Fraunhofer. Larry Wikelius, Director of the RISC-V Software Ecosystem (RISE) organization will give an update. And last but not least, the first batch of invited speakers includes Edward Wilford of Omdia, who as a Senior Principal Analyst will be speaking about RISC-V adoption in the microcontroller market and beyond.

The program will start on Monday with Technical Workgroup Meetings. The main program and expo will run from Tuesday to Thursday. Friday will be available for RISC-V focused projects to meet or disseminate their work. As RISC-V Summit Europe is the denoted “main summit” this year, the annual general meeting of all RISC-V members and an award ceremony will be part of the program.

About the HM:

Hochschule München (HM) is one of the largest universities of applied sciences in Germany. Their technical involvement in ISOLDE focuses on open-source CPU support for bytecode virtualization and an improved fault injection framework around the open-source tool Verilator. Beyond the technical contributions, HM is strongly involved in dissemination events. With HM professor Stefan Wallentowitz on the RISC-V board of directors, an impactful advocate of RISC-V is active in the ISOLDE project.